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The Sacred Pentagraph: Compleat Hardbound Edition

The Sacred Pentagraph: Compleat Hardbound Edition

This is a Hardbound Edition containing Books I - V Compleat


This Hardbound Edition has no dust jacket with the cover image consisting of title and border printed directly on the front cover. 


The Hardbound Edition with a removable printed dust jacket is no longer available.


A Softbound Edition is available here.


A Craft Application of Wicca as an Occult Lodge System and

Craft Coven Organization


by Tarostar


Book I: The Covenant: Herein are all the Tenets and Redes of the Faith with the Laws of Wicca and Coven Rules.


Book II: The Book of Beginnings: Herein are the initiations where the ancient ceremonies of rising in the Degrees of the Craft are explained and given for use. All spiritual ceremonies that mark the beginning of a new phase in the total life experience of a Covener are found therein.


Book III: The Book of Lights:


Section I: Works of the High Priest — Herein are the Coven Sabbat worship for the four Solar/Celestial Sabbats of the year.


Section II: Works of the High Priestess — The Coven Sabbat worship for the four Terrestrial Sabbats of the year.


Book IV: The Book of Esbat:
Herein are all the Coven Magics in full ceremony. It contains all the Full and New Moon Esbats.


Book V: The Cornucopia:
Herein are all the Low Magics with the Arts of Spellcraft and Divination along with the basic study course outline for teaching the Craft and development of the powers of the mind for aspirants to the Craft.

Left Hand Press

502 pages : 6x9 : Hardbound



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